Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Semester One - Final Review

So, yesterday we had our final review for our first semester of Architecture.
I felt mine went rather well. Compared to everyone else’s projects, mine was the most pragmatic. I knew this going in, and I knew this is what the reviewers would tell me. Being pragmatic, in itself, is not a bad thing; one of the guest reviewers even told me that I was going to be a great architect because of that. So, their advice (along with my HS Art Teachers, Studio Professor, Studio TA’s, and myself have said to me) was to be more creative! And then my Studio Professor asked what we should put in my brownies. (^_^;;)
Also, my Uncle, who is a practicing Architect himself, got mentioned. :3
These past few months have been nothing but pure hell! I’ve understood why it’s called “architorture,” but now I’ve experienced it myself… and I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything in the whole world.
So, the review went well. I can finally breath a sigh of relief…
…And catch up on sleep for the next month and a half.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Goodness! Something other than trains!

I just got this in the mail. This means fun times are ahead!
(Yes. I still play the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. I absolutely regret nothing.)

Also, Happy December! Time is being Wibbly-Wobbly all right.
...Especially when my first Architecture final is (quite literally) right around the corner.

But that also means my break is coming up soon, which means time for railroading! :D
